
Program Fee 

Program fees for our on-campus programs generally include hotel accommodations at Dartmouth's iconic Hanover Inn, tuition, materials, and most meals. Program fees for our online programs include tuition, materials, and access to our online learning platforms. The fee is due in full two weeks after enrollment.  

Deferrals and Cancellations 

All notification of cancellations, deferrals, and substitutions must be received in writing. Please submit your request via e-mail to tuck.exec.ed@tuck.dartmouth.edu.  

Due to the costs incurred for program preparation and administration, any cancellations and requests for deferrals received 45 days or less from the program start date are subject to penalty fees as described below. For programs with a virtual component, the start date will be considered the first day of live learning. Deferrals are subject to approval and generally only granted once per enrollment. 

Days Before Start Cancellation Fee Deferral Fee
More than 45 0% of program fee 0%
45-15 days 50% 10% 
14 or fewer days 100% 25%


All participant substitutions are subject to the sole discretion of Tuck Executive Education and will be based on participant qualifications and lead time needed for any pre-program work. In cases where a qualified replacement is identified by a sponsoring organization prior to the start of the program and is admitted by Tuck Executive Education, the cancellation fee will be waived. 


Any remaining balance resulting from a cancellation or deferral can be applied to another Tuck Executive Education program or session within one year of the initial program date. After one year, the balance is non-refundable. 

Directory Consent  

During most programs, we create a pictorial directory that is only accessible to faculty and participants in this program. By enrolling in our programs, participants consent to us sharing their photo, profile, and email contact information with their fellow participants.

Recording Consent  

In order to assist the Tuck School of Business in the conduct of educational, research, teaching, and informational functions, the Tuck School and its agents, servants, and employees may photograph, film, or otherwise capture class sessions, meals, and other program functions. Any material captured and all rights therein shall be the sole and exclusive property of the Tuck School. By enrolling in our programs, participants acknowledge that photography and filming may occur during the program and that they may appear in such material captured. They also grant the Tuck School of Business the exclusive right and license to use and to authorize others to use, exhibit, and publish for advertising, promotional, educational, or any other lawful purpose, any photographic, video, or audio portraits or pictures in any form and through any medium that Tuck, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. Participants also waive any right they may have to inspect or approve the finished product or the advertising, promotional, educational, or other copy that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it may be applied. They agree that Tuck has no obligation to exhibit their pictures or portraits or otherwise use them in any way. They release, discharge, and hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Tuck, their successors and assigns, and all persons acting under their permission or authority, from any and all claims, damages, or liability they may have now or in the future for invasion of privacy, right of publicity, copyright infringement, defamation, or any other cause of action arising out of the use, exploitation, reproduction, adaptation, distribution or by virtue of any broadcast, performance, or display, or the blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur in the taking of the portraits or pictures or processing of the finished product itself.


Please contact Tuck Executive Education with any questions you may have. 

Learn more about Tuck Executive Education