Online Programs

Online Programs

Our online programs are designed to bring Tuck Executive Education’s uniquely personal and immersive experience to participants across the globe. Built for the way we learn today, these digital learning experiences help make Tuck’s top faculty and their research accessible to a broader audience.

Tuck Executive Sprints

Power the Future: AI and Data for Strategic Advantage

Vijay Govindarajan, Coxe Distinguished Professor of Management

Power the Future: Gen AI and Data for Strategic Advantage will help leaders across industry make the strategic connections they need to harness data, transform physical products, and implement change at their organization. This online program is taught by Vijay “VG” Govindarajan and Venkat Venkatraman, two world-renowned innovation and digital strategy experts.

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Leadership in Disruptive Times: Thriving Through Uncertainty

Scott Anthony D'96, Clinical Professor of Business Administration

Leadership in Disruptive Times will provide practical tools for leaders to accelerate when the fog of uncertainty descends, turning today’s ambiguity into tomorrow’s opportunity. This new online program is taught by Scott Anthony, a leading expert on the adaptive challenges of disruptive change.

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Strategic Leadership: Impact, Change, and Decision-Making Specialization

Sydney Finkelstein, Steven Roth Professor of Management

If you’re ready to hone your leadership skills and grow as a person, Strategic Leadership: Impact, Change, and Decision-Making for Work and Life is designed for anyone, at any level, who is ready to hone their leadership skills and grow as a person. Four courses taught over 75 hours teach participants the common mistakes that even smart executives make, the neuroscience behind effective decision making, methods of managing and supporting the people around them, and how to bring together all these lessons to be the best possible leader, and person, at work and at home.

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Communicating for Influence

Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication

Leaders can achieve personal career and leadership goals if they better understand how to apply the elements of a strong communication strategy. This application of communication tactics is often overlooked and can inhibit leaders’ professional growth. In this experience, participants will learn to craft an effective communication strategy to further their personal career goals. By defining their objectives, targeting the correct audience, and cultivating trust, leaders will understand how to advance their professional aspirations by effectively advocating for themselves.

Communicating for Organizational Alignment

Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication

Leaders often struggle to generate strategic alignment among stakeholders, especially when aspects of strategy implementation involve resistance or
competing priorities among different constituencies. To overcome this, leaders can build key competencies that are often overlooked during strategic  communication. In this experience, participants will learn how to craft and tailor communications to cultivate alignment among stakeholders involved in executing a strategic goal. They will gain the tools needed to clearly define the goal of their communication, effectively target their audience, and craft communications that are effective in the context of the organizational culture.

Strategic Communications

Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication

Through this series of learning experiences, participants will learn to incorporate strategic communications into every aspect of their work, applying principles of strategic communication into leadership challenges. They will gain the skills needed to clearly define the goal of their communication, effectively target their audience, and craft communications that are effective in the context of their organizational culture. Leverage transformative leadership skills to maximize the impact they create for their organization through strategic communication.

Building Courageously Inclusive Workplaces

Ella Bell Smith, professor of business administration and founder and director of the Tuck Initiative on Workplace Inclusion

While women in general are underrepresented in corporate leadership, women of color are dramatically underrepresented. Working together, women of all racial identities can become powerful “co-conspirators” in achieving gender and racial equity at the highest levels of leadership–and transforming workplace culture. This on-demand experience is designed to help all women leaders move beyond the concept of allyship to forge relationships of mutual support that affect organizational and systemic change. 

Managing Your Visibility

Stacy Blake-Beard, professor of organizational behavior 

While there is often focus around increasing the visibility of executives, leading professionals of color acknowledge that advancement actually requires managing their visibility – in other words, knowing when to stand up, and when to push back. In this experience, Professor Stacy Blake-Beard will introduce leaders to skills that will help them strategically modulate their visibility to achieve their personal and career goals. This experience is designed specifically for women of color; participating allies will gain a new perspective into the challenges that women of color face in the workplace, and how to support their advancement within the organization.  

Networking Strategically

Adam Kleinbaum, associate professor of strategy and management

The word “networking” can sometimes carry negative connotations, conjuring shady images of high-powered lunches and sales calls with fake smiles. But it does not need to be that way. In fact, strategically developing, maintaining,  and earning your professional network is key to addressing professional challenges and boosting your career. What kinds of professional networks are you a part of? Who is in them? How do you fit in? Join Tuck School of Business Professor Adam Kleinbaum as he demonstrates how to map out your current network and then strengthen it according to your needs. By the end of the experience, you will have an actionable plan for building your network strategically to assist you in achieving your career goals. 

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