By Kristin Maffei
23 July 2020

Tuck Executive Education is excited to announce that we will be offering the fall 2020 session of Leadership and Strategic Impact as a virtual experience to take place October 25 – 30.
“The frameworks taught in LSI focus on effective strategic communication, leading in crisis, personal leadership and self-awareness, leading high-performing teams, and setting strategic direction,” says faculty director Paul Argenti, who teaches sessions on developing a strategic mindset, leading during crisis, and a leader’s personal responsibility during the program. “These abilities are essential for leaders during this period of unprecedented challenge and transformation.”
During the program, participants also participate in leadership assessments, including a 360-degree review and diagnostic test designed to give deep insight into their strengths and growth opportunities as a leader. “Concrete change is a deliverable of this program,” says Professor Pino Audia, who teaches sessions on the assessments. “We get participants ready to implement actionable change the day they get back to work. Lot of times, we can see the change happening during the program. It’s pretty striking.”
Throughout LSI, will use innovative session designs and technologies to make this a high impact and engaging online learning experience for executives. The faculty leading the virtual LSI experience are adept at bringing classroom discussions to life in a distance-learning environment and creating experiences that are personal, connected, and transformative.
Tuck’s digital capabilities include live Zoom sessions and 1:1 interaction with faculty thought-leaders; small group work, including peer-coaching; asynchronous content such as videos, readings, podcasts, and interactive discussion boards; and a customized virtual reality platform that fosters discussion, engagement, and the ability to network across the cohort. Additionally, participants have the opportunity to partake in an individual post-program executive coaching session to help them stay on track and focused on their action plans after the program has ended.
Now more than ever, LSI’s content will be relevant and actionable for participants, their teams, and their organizations. For executives who are ready to grow and change as a leader to better meet today's unique opportunities, there’s no better time to apply than today.
Applications for Leadership and Strategic Impact are due on September 15. Want to learn more about the program? See some of our virtual capabilities firsthand on a video with faculty director Paul Argenti, watch a recording of a recent information session, or contact Kaitlin Dumont, associate director of business leadership programs, with any questions you may have.